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Paulette Smyth
Paulette Smyth
Paulette Smyth
Paulette Smyth received a BA degree in Art Education from Michigan State University in 1972. She continued her art education by way of classes on photography, batik, and graphic design at Morehead State University (1977-1979), and then studied watercolor under the tutelage of Ding Dong Daddy at Florida State University (1982-1984). Paulette has taught art to students ranging in age from 3 to 70 in a variety of mediums to include watercolors, acrylic, pottery, floral arrangement, and batik. Her works have been exhibited at the LeMoyne Center for Visual Arts in Tallahassee, FL, as well as at the Cancer Decorator Show House at the Blenheim Manor in Havre de Grace, MD. She also was a regular artist exhibiter for years at the annual Springtime Tallahassee Festival. Paulette is an avid swimmer, animal advocate, nature lover, and hiker. She and her dog, Rebel, have come to know Susquehanna State Park like the back of their hand and paw over the course of the past 10 years. After taking a lengthy detour to become a reference librarian for the Harford County Public Library, she has once again taken up the brush.